
Archive for the ‘Samsung WB2000’ Category

A post in a month time…

March 1, 2011 Leave a comment

A big window of opportunity

A big window of opportunity

It’s been almost a month now since my last post. I wonder what took myself so long to post something new here.

Well, life has been pretty smooth apparently, except having to shift to a new factory as my company is currently in the step of up-sizing. A new environment, and also a new team structure. Some manager from the other team is coming into the R&D team. Everyone kinda hates him it seems…

An overhaul is needed the company said, for the R&D team. All I had in mind was if they really want to treat this team as a REAL R&D entity, they have to respect us as an R&D department, as in paying us the  adequate amount of salary, not requesting us to support the engineering team when they are overloaded with their own job, and stick to the rules of prototyping and development.

From time to time, I have been thinking whether is worth my time and effort to stay right here. Windows of opportunity open and close from time to time. I think I had missed quite a few now.

Maybe it’s time to close this door, and look for another opening window…


February 8, 2011 Leave a comment
Are you happy?

Are you happy?

With faces, comes expressions.

With just a single look of someone’s face, you can be pretty sure whether that someone is in a good mood, is sad, or terrified.

How do you look like when you face the world?

I would look just like the first cute little guy holding the “I am happy” sign to you, but inside, you would never know how I feel.

Can you ever hide you feelings? Or how can you express your real feelings to someone else?

January 2, 2011 Leave a comment
Mmmm... Coffee...

Mmmm... Coffee...

I love coffee. Especially in a cold winter’s day, sitting with someone to talk to, or just all by myself, enjoying some of the warm caffeine goodness…

It’s funny that in the Korean culture, it’s impossible to sit and talk with friends for hours without alcohol. Not to say something bad about Koreans or what, but only talking about the personal stuffs with friends after like, a few bottles of soju isn’t something what I call sincerity. By the way, soju is a kind of alcohol,  the choice of alcohol of all Koreans since it’s so CHEAP and widely available everywhere. Are they trying hide something, or just that they need alcohol to drain down their ego first? Just my personal thoughts…

But for some of us, talking with friends, and I do mean not only 1 or 2, but a bunch of friends, it’s a fairly simple task, especially with the company of coffee or teh-tarik(try google for the photo and you get the idea) of our choice. That’s why in Malaysia, we have kopitiam (that’s coffee shop in our local slang), and mamak shops and stalls (mamak points to Hindu-Muslim people in Malaysia, and it’s not a racist remark as far as I know). Being a Muslim country with scorching hot climate, the beverage of choice would be less related to alcohol most of the time. Not to say there is no coffee shops in S. Korea, nor saying that no one goes to Starbucks or Coffee-bean over here, but the culture seams different to me. And don’t get me wrong, I love booze and you can get all the alcohol you want in Malaysia pretty easily too.

Non-Muslims in Malaysia do enjoy a cold beer from time to time too. But to associate alcohol with EVERY outings with friends or colleague is pretty outrageous for me. Must you get drunk at EVERY gathering? Can you have some variety in life?

Anyways, back to coffee. Just love how it can keep me awake in the morning, and the fragrant of freshly brewed coffee.

The above photo was taken with my latest addition in my arsenal, my Samsung WB2000. Strangely, it exhibit a very purple tint under some circumstances that I still couldn’t really figure out. Right now, all I can see is when the camera is shooting under some special lighting conditions, there would be a very strong purple tint on parts which is black in color. I love this camera since it has features such as RAW shooting, a bright lens, full HD video, high speed shooting and a back illuminated sensor.  It’s still a point and shoot, and cannot be compared with those better featured LX5(Lumix) and S95(Canon), since they are in very different price points.

Anyways, if anyone of you who own this camera who has the same problem, maybe we can discuss this? Hope it’s not a fault on my camera, and would be fix by future release of the firmware.